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Ready, Set, Launch!

Okay — now that we have our goals for the first 30 days, let’s talk about how we’re going to reach them. First off: go grab your calendar or planner so we can map this out!

I highly recommend you truly LAUNCH your business. Let’s not be quiet about it or secretive about it. Let’s make a splash! And, no – this does not involve posting canned Facebook messages as your status update with 79 emojis; nor does it include obnoxious spamming by adding your poor friends to a VIP group without their permission. In fact, we’re going to do completely the opposite. Let’s launch gracefully. Let’s be classy about it. Trust me, your pals will appreciate you and your new business SO much more. And, you’ll begin building a customer base that that will soon become repeat customers!

Watch this short video to learn:

  • What to do and NOT to do when launching your biz
  • The art of personally inviting guests to a party
  • When to pencil in your launch party dates
  • Why hostess coaching will become your best friend

This training is jam-packed with the essentials you need to ensure your business thrives and is sustainable from the very start.

Tawny’s Bonus Tip: Think outside the box when inviting guests to your party and reach outside your immediate circle of friends.

Your To-Do List:

  • Watch this short, 7-minute welcome video to learn how to launch gracefully.
  • Leave a comment with the dates you’re set to launch your business.
  • Make a list of guests you’d like to invite.
  • Begin reaching out and inviting your guests.

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