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Organization Hacks to Boost Efficiency

As your business grows, systems and organization will SAVE YOUR LIFE. There are a few systems that I cannot live without. These help me stay on top of customer care, follow up and keep me from pulling my hair out on a daily basis. Here are a few ideas to help you get organized to make the most of the time you have dedicated to getting your work done.

  • Income and Expense Tracker: Keeping your finances organized helps you see how your business is doing.  Download a FREE income and expense tracker.
  • Planner: This is where you can jot down events and parties. I also block out time that is “off limits” from work.
  • Daily To-Do List and Top 3: Here are some Daily To-Do Lists you can look at or even an old fashion to-do list. The MOST important aspect of my to-do list is my Top 3. This allows me to focus and plan my day.
  • Power Hour Booking Notebook: I use this notebook to track parties, hostesses, prizes, thank you’s, future hostesses, recruiting leads, book bucks, follow up, event recaps, etc. The best part of this notebook is that if you just have 15 minutes (or maybe 12 minutes) to tackle a task or two, I can pick up this notebook and GET IT DONE. No need to fumble around for my notes on a Post-It. Everything is organized and ready to go.
  • Google Chrome News Feed Eradicator: I recently found out about this amazing little secret. You can use a Google Chrome extension to remove your newsfeed while on your desktop! What?! Yes, I can still see cute babies and fun newsfeed updates from my app, but when I’m at my computer, poof – it’s gone! It replaces my newsfeed with a productivity tip! Bam – no distractions!

Watch this quick video to learn:

  • Why being organized is a secret to success
  • How to set business hours and get work done even when you’re home with kids
  • My favorite tools and resources to keep me focused and getting work done
  • What I include in my Power Hour Booking notebook

Tawny’s Bonus Tip: Focus on your Top 3. Don’t even look at your 326 item to-do list. Just three to-do’s. If you focus on what is most important, your business will grow in ways you never imagined.

Your To-Do List:

  • Determine what systems work best for you at this stage in your business
  • Set up organizational methods to focus on what matters the most
  • Comment with your Top 3 for today (it’s okay if laundry is on the list!)

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