Camper Chronicles- Part 4

    Our camper update for today is about the floor in the back room, which needed to be replaced where the bunkbeds had been. Again, Luke is going to be typing this one up since he was the one who did all of this work! I did my best to take…


    Fair Trade Friday

    Happy Friday! We have been super busy this week preparing for our Garage Sale, so we haven’t had a lot of time! We know that we’re behind on a Camper Update that we mentioned, but we will have it up next week, we promise! Here’s a short Fair Trade Friday…


    Weekend Wandering: Belleville

    We headed up to Belleville, NY this weekend, which is where Luke’s extended family lives. We were able to attend one of his cousin’s graduation party, and take some senior photos of her brother! This is probably one of the last trips we will be making up there before we…


    Fair Trade Friday

    Welcome back to Fair Trade Friday! I think I’m gonna really like this series! Luke on the other hand… well, let’s just say he is a very patient photographer. 🙂 This week I’m coming at you with a bag, bracelet, and some earrings. This outfit features many of my favorite…


    Camper Chronicles- Part 3

    Welcome back to another update on our camper journey! We started getting some serious work done on the camper at this point. Remember that we knew about the water damage when we bought it, but didn’t know the complete extent of the damage and the repairs that would need done…


    Weekend Wandering: Rochester

    We headed out to Rochester this weekend to visit Luke’s aunt. If you’re following us on Instagram you saw a couple pics already, but here are some more! We headed out to the farmer’s market in the morning just the two of us. It was a rainy morning so that…


    Fair Trade Friday- A New Series!

    Welcome to Fair Trade Friday! So excited to start this new series. A little over a year ago I learned about this amazing company called Trades of Hope. I love the idea of this company, especially since it lines up with what Luke and I have learned through our missions…


    Camper Chronicles Part 2-Demolition

    We’re back with another update on our camper! We have been keeping our Facebook and Instagram up to date with our Camper journey, so if you’re not connected with us, you’re missing out! Go follow us for daily and weekly updates! A lot of things have changed in our tiny…


    Weekend Wandering: World Changers

    We are feeling very encouraged, inspired, and refreshed after a long weekend filled with connecting with missions-minded people just like us. On Thursday morning I met with a friend that I met at a vendor fair last year. She introduced me to an amazing company called Trades of Hope, and…