Happy Friday, everyone! If you haven’t noticed, we have been kinda MIA for the past few weeks. Don’t worry, we have tons of blog posts coming in the future! We have been so busy working on our camper, and we’re in the official moving out stage, so we really haven’t…
Happy Friday! If you’re following us on Instagram, you would have noticed by now that I’m in Nashville this weekend! I’m actually attending the Trades of Hope conference called Empower! I wanted to sneak this post in from our Tuesday night adventure over to our local county fair, especially since…
Happy Friday! We have been super busy this week preparing for our Garage Sale, so we haven’t had a lot of time! We know that we’re behind on a Camper Update that we mentioned, but we will have it up next week, we promise! Here’s a short Fair Trade Friday…
Welcome back to Fair Trade Friday! I think I’m gonna really like this series! Luke on the other hand… well, let’s just say he is a very patient photographer. 🙂 This week I’m coming at you with a bag, bracelet, and some earrings. This outfit features many of my favorite…
Welcome to Fair Trade Friday! So excited to start this new series. A little over a year ago I learned about this amazing company called Trades of Hope. I love the idea of this company, especially since it lines up with what Luke and I have learned through our missions…