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Book Parties Like a Boss

Booking your calendar FULL of parties is a great way to grow your business.  After you conquer your Facebook and home launch party (plan to “launch” with a few parties in a row! ;)) – it’s time to get just 2-4 more parties set on your calendar in the next 2 weeks. Often times Guests at your launch parties don’t often realize you’re playing the role of the Partner and the hostess. It is helpful to remind them that you’ll do all the “work” and their only job is to invite their friends, hype it up and be a cheerleader. This often reassures them that they don’t need to set up a Facebook event and do all the posting!

Here’s a fun home-party booking strategy from Erin Woods:

Watch this quick video to learn:

  • How to get parties booked
  • Customer care and following up to fill your calendar
  • Best practices for booking parties outside your network

Tawny’s Bonus Tip: Just ASK! Worst case scenario, they say “no thanks!”  

Your To-Do List:

  • Set 2-4 parties in the next 2 weeks.
  • Comment below with who will be hosting your first party for you.

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