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Facebook Parties 101

You’ve likely already learned that Trades of Hope loves us some Facebook. We party on Facebook. We have groups on Facebook. We meet customers on Facebook. We make friends on Facebook. Whether you’re a Facebook junkie or new to the Facebook scene, you’re going to learn MORE about Facebook in the next few weeks as you launch your business. Facebook and I have a love-hate relationship. It’s a total time-suck which drives me nuts. I’ve actually turned off the newsfeed when I’m on my desktop working so I’m not easily distracted. However, I love Facebook because I’m able to connect with friends, family, customers, and hostesses ALL over the country. I love Facebook because it’s a fantastic platform (that everyone already uses) for me to get fair trade products in the hands of women everywhere, and it doesn’t even require them to leave the house to shop. It’s a fantastic tool to run your business. Hostess Coaching Resources: https://hopecentral.tradesofhope.com/resources/parties/hostess-coaching/ Watch this short video to learn: How to set up your first Facebook party What and when to post How to find graphics and videos Tips to maximize attendance and engagement Storybytes Post I mentioned: https://www.facebook.com/groups/163067303712484/permalink/3245556162130234 Your To-Do List: Watch this 8-minute video on setting up your first facebook party https://hopecentral.tradesofhope.com/resources/parties/facebook-parties/ Set up your first event on facebook! Invite your Sponsor or Team Leader to check it out before adding guests that said they would like an invite. Create a “script” to use during your party. Here’s a helpful place: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MOCKTOHPOPPINPARTY Comment below with what product or artisan story you want to make sure to highlight during your party.

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Hello, New Website!

As a new Trades of Hope Partner, home office has provided you with your very own website. Yay! Here are a few helpful tips about your website: Your URL is www.tradesofhope.com/yourname (you set this up when you joined). This is the site you will share with your customers to do their shopping! Watch this short video to learn: Creating your file (photo and contact information) visible for customers Setting up payment information Your To-Do List: Watch this 6-minute video on setting up your website. Head to team.tradesofhope.com & login https://hopecentral.tradesofhope.com/resources/tech/personal-website/ Watch this video to learn how to set-up a party link: https://hopecentraldev.wpengine.com/partiesmanager/ Leave a comment below with any questions you have about your website or opening up a party link.

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Host a Home Party!

Confession: I never planned to do a home party. For real. I was planning to build my business online and thought skipping the home party scene would just be fine. Womp womp. This is true of so many partners! After a few months, partners usually realize they are missing a HUGE opportunity. First off, home parties are super fun. As the Partner leading the party, you usually get to drink mimosas, hold babies, and make new friends. Also, some of your customers WANT to see the products in person, touch the products, see the quality and have an excuse to get out of the house and do some shopping. Next selling points – home parties are almost guaranteed sales! If a guest shows up at your home to check out some fair trade products, they’re likely going to buy a few. Plus, the energy of a home party feeds off the other guests. They get to hear the artisan stories from YOU and connect with them in a way like no other. They begin suggesting products for each other and discovering new pieces together. It’s good for sales! All that to say, don’t skip a home party! Set a date for a home party and a back-up date for your guests that can’t make it that day. Here are the logistics for a home party that you need to know: When? It’s truly up to your hostess, but block out days and times that YOU are available and let them choose from there! How do I invite?  Just like a Facebook party, you want to personally invite your guests. You can use an e-vite or a Facebook event to track RSVPs. Often times, Partners will provide their hostesses with cute postcards to hand out to friends, a sample email invitation or an image that they can text out to their friends and family when inviting. What’s the set up? Watch This Video by Erin Woods! It’s from 2017 so many of the products we do not carry anymore, but you will get to see how to do a Party Set-up in only 8 minutes! What else should I bring? You definitely want to bring catalogs, pens, order forms, and some change in case your guests pay with cash. Partners often raffle off a prize so you might want to bring along a small giveaway too. Make sure you bring your planner or calendar so you can book future parties as well. How do I run the party timeline? Here’s a step-by-step outline: What do I say at the party? Use your cue cards that came in your kit!! They tell you exactly what to say. Here is a video of Erin Woods using our cue cards in 2015, so your cards will be more up to date than this, but this is how you do it! How do I take orders? When your guests are ready to place an order, you’ll have them complete an order form. Make sure to add your local sales tax and shipping. If they’re paying with a credit card, you can take their payment via Square or write down their credit card information so you can enter it in in your back office at the conclusion of the party. Pro-Tip: Bring a tablet or laptop & your phone hotspot to enter in orders right then & there! Why should I recruit my home party hostess? It’s likely your home party hostess will have a ton of fun. I mean, she’s already opened her home to you so she’s clearly passionate about the products/artisans. Unlike an online party where orders are placed on your website, if your hostess decides to join your team, you can attribute the sales for her party to her as an added incentive for joining. Yes, you’d lose the sales credit BUT you’ll gain a team member which is even BETTER for growing your business in the long-haul. How do I enter home party orders? Head here for a step-by-step: https://hopecentral.tradesofhope.com/resources/parties/home-party/#1574193384165-8319d7f1-fb18 Watch this short video to learn: My best resource for learning about Home Parties, Erin Woods! Booking Training by Erin Woods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGdNpbdzFOQ Tawny’s Bonus Tip: Head Here to learn some ideas of “themed” parties you can use to keep it fun & change up your parties a bit: https://hopecentral.tradesofhope.com/resources/parties/home-party/ Your To-Do List: Set a home party date and back up date. Watch the Erin Woods Videos I have linked throughout this post. Create a home party box of supplies. Jot down some notes of what you’d want to say at your home party. Comment below with what excites and scares you about a home party.

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Hostess Rewards and Party Prizes

I LOVE to give fair trade goodies away! It is one of the most fun parts of being an Trades of Hope partner. My hostesses and customers are so excited when they win a prize for a free product. It’s also a great incentive to book parties, gain repeat customers, and build a community of followers that truly love that you are their Fair Trade lady! There are several categories of “rewards” that will be helpful to learn: Hostess Rewards & Givebacks: https://hopecentral.tradesofhope.com/resources/parties/hostess-rewards/ Prizes: Your customers will attend your parties because you make them FUN. What’s more fun than a prize or giveaway? This is certainly not required, but definitely adds some excitement to the party. You also need to make sure your giveaway strategy is cost-effective. Let’s talk about how to maximize the rewards provided by home office so your out-of-pocket expense is minimal. Here are some of my typical giveaways and prizes: Party prize: I usually give away at least one prize to a customer for participating in the party. I typically mail out a sample of our coffee or something small from our partner store. Here’s how to shop your partner store: Hostess prize: When a hostess agrees to have a party with me, I offer her a prize. Here’s a great training on Prizes & Booking: https://hopecentral.tradesofhope.com/resources/parties/booking/ Watch this short video to learn: How hostess rewards work from Trades of Hope How to use prizes to get bookings How to leverage the hostess rewards from home office to minimize your out-of-pocket expenses Tawny’s Bonus Tip: As a Trades of Hope Partner, YOU receive hostess rewards, as well. Make sure you always have an “open” party so you can begin accumulating hostess rewards on small orders and orders placed outside of a party. Make sure to set your party date for a few months out, and set a reminder to close it up before it expires so you don’t miss out on those rewards! Your To-Do List: Watch this 13-minute video on hostess rewards and prizes. Decide on what prize(s) you’re going to offer to your customers and hostesses. Comment below with which rewards YOU are most excited about.

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I launched, Now What?

Congratulations! You did it! You survived your first party as an Trades of Hope Partner! How exciting! It’s a bit of an adrenaline rush, isn’t it? So, now what? Here are a few important to-do’s now that you crushed it: First off, your orders will ship directly to your customers from the warehouse in Florida. Depending on the time of the year, orders may ship the next day or take a few weeks. Hang tight. They’re worth the wait. I always recommend posting the tracking number for your customers once their items ship. Next up, today is a day for FOLLOW UP. It’s so incredibly important to check in with your customers and hostess. Ask them if they need any recommendations. Post a friendly reminder to get orders in and tag those that haven’t ordered yet. Your next mission is to get a few parties booked. Did this happen during your launch party? If so, yay! You’re well on your way! To reach the final Purpose Path milestone, you need $1000 in sales which is just a few good parties strung together. Make a plan to get 2 more parties on your calendar this month. You can do this. No problem! Schedule your “back-up” facebook party to re-invite your guests that couldn’t make it or reach out to another circle of friends and invite them to attend. Watch this short video to learn: Tawny’s proven strategies for following up with customers to boost your party sales Incentives to get future parties booked on your calendar Tawny’s Bonus Tip: Offer a prize (like Free Shipping on your Hostess Order) for booking a party in lieu of mailing a gift to your prize winners. 75% of the time, you’ll get a party on your calendar!   Your To-Do List: Watch this 8-minute video on what to do the day after your launch party. Comment below with what went well at your launch party. Follow up with guests that haven’t ordered yet. Thank guests that have ordered. Book 2 more parties in the next 2 weeks.

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Organization Hacks to Boost Efficiency

As your business grows, systems and organization will SAVE YOUR LIFE. There are a few systems that I cannot live without. These help me stay on top of customer care, follow up and keep me from pulling my hair out on a daily basis. Here are a few ideas to help you get organized to make the most of the time you have dedicated to getting your work done. Income and Expense Tracker: Keeping your finances organized helps you see how your business is doing.  Download a FREE income and expense tracker. Planner: This is where you can jot down events and parties. I also block out time that is “off limits” from work. Daily To-Do List and Top 3: Here are some Daily To-Do Lists you can look at or even an old fashion to-do list. The MOST important aspect of my to-do list is my Top 3. This allows me to focus and plan my day. Power Hour Booking Notebook: I use this notebook to track parties, hostesses, prizes, thank you’s, future hostesses, recruiting leads, book bucks, follow up, event recaps, etc. The best part of this notebook is that if you just have 15 minutes (or maybe 12 minutes) to tackle a task or two, I can pick up this notebook and GET IT DONE. No need to fumble around for my notes on a Post-It. Everything is organized and ready to go. Google Chrome News Feed Eradicator: I recently found out about this amazing little secret. You can use a Google Chrome extension to remove your newsfeed while on your desktop! What?! Yes, I can still see cute babies and fun newsfeed updates from my app, but when I’m at my computer, poof – it’s gone! It replaces my newsfeed with a productivity tip! Bam – no distractions! Watch this quick video to learn: Why being organized is a secret to success How to set business hours and get work done even when you’re home with kids My favorite tools and resources to keep me focused and getting work done What I include in my Power Hour Booking notebook Tawny’s Bonus Tip: Focus on your Top 3. Don’t even look at your 326 item to-do list. Just three to-do’s. If you focus on what is most important, your business will grow in ways you never imagined. Your To-Do List: Determine what systems work best for you at this stage in your business Set up organizational methods to focus on what matters the most Comment with your Top 3 for today (it’s okay if laundry is on the list!)

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Ready, Set, Launch!

Okay — now that we have our goals for the first 30 days, let’s talk about how we’re going to reach them. First off: go grab your calendar or planner so we can map this out! I highly recommend you truly LAUNCH your business. Let’s not be quiet about it or secretive about it. Let’s make a splash! And, no – this does not involve posting canned Facebook messages as your status update with 79 emojis; nor does it include obnoxious spamming by adding your poor friends to a VIP group without their permission. In fact, we’re going to do completely the opposite. Let’s launch gracefully. Let’s be classy about it. Trust me, your pals will appreciate you and your new business SO much more. And, you’ll begin building a customer base that that will soon become repeat customers! Watch this short video to learn: What to do and NOT to do when launching your biz The art of personally inviting guests to a party When to pencil in your launch party dates Why hostess coaching will become your best friend This training is jam-packed with the essentials you need to ensure your business thrives and is sustainable from the very start. Tawny’s Bonus Tip: Think outside the box when inviting guests to your party and reach outside your immediate circle of friends. Your To-Do List: Watch this short, 7-minute welcome video to learn how to launch gracefully. Leave a comment with the dates you’re set to launch your business. Make a list of guests you’d like to invite. Begin reaching out and inviting your guests.

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Rock Your First 30 Days

Psstt…. want to know a secret? I bet half of those that viewed the welcome post, don’t make it back for post #2. You did! So, CONGRATS! You are going to rock the first 30 days! Let me lay it out there. Being a successful Trades of Hope partner takes motivation, self-discipline and consistency. You don’t have a boss breathing down your neck. We don’t have crazy minimums or quotas that you have to meet to stay in the biz. Reaching your goals greatly depends on YOU and the work you put in! In this quick training video, I’ll share with you how to: Earn free fair trade goodies & givebacks! Get your investment back in your first month Build the momentum needed to complete your PURPOSE PATH Sound amazing? Commit to it. You can do this! I’m right here cheering you on! Tawny’s Bonus Tip: Say yes; you’ll figure out the rest later! Your To-Do List: Watch this short, 8-minute welcome video to learn why your first 30 days matter. Learn about your https://hopecentral.tradesofhope.com/getting-started/purpose-path/ Leave a comment sharing your 30 Day goal!

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Step it Up- Be a Pro

As a Trades of Hope Partner, YOU are a business owner. How exciting is that?! While this may feel like a hobby or a fun project for now, it is important to be professional and take your job seriously. Your customers expect that from you! Here are a few tips that will up your game and professionalize your job as an Trades of Hope Partner. Business Cards: Having business cards on hand when you bump into someone at the grocery store or to include in thank you notes are essential. Custom Web Address: Consider creating a business name and get your own web address rather than using the link provided by home office. This is usually less than $15 and makes it SO much easier to share. Watch a tutorial to learn how. Update your Facebook Profile: Update your personal profile to include a professional and clear headshot of yourself. This is your customers’ and hostesses’ first impression of you. Add your Facebook Business page as as job and your website URL to your profile. Be Responsive: Your customers are your responsibility. Be responsive, follow up, ask them how they like their products, answer their questions and you’ll become their “go-to” when ordering fair trade pieces. Be Authentic: Be genuine and authentic. Don’t spam your friends with links to shop on your personal page. Be yourself and post how much impact you have been creating. Keep a balance of personal (80%) and business (20%) posts. You want to make friends through this business, not get blocked! Watch this quick video to learn: Why having a custom web address is awesome How to update your Facebook profile in less than 5 minutes How being responsive and authentic will build a loyal customer base and not turnoff friends Tawny’s Bonus Tip: Pick a web address that is easy to remember and type (no special characters or strange spelling). Use a .com, if possible – you’ll look more legit! Your To-Do List: Get business cards Create a business name and reserve a web address Update your Facebook profile Comment with your business name

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TOH 101

There’s SO much learning to do about the products, artisans, & history of Trades of Hope. This is the great news: You don’t need to know it all to get started! That’s why you have an amazing Director and Sponsor that will help you while you’re learning the ropes. You are the expert to your customers and that’s all that matters. You’re lucky to have a tribe behind-the-scenes supporting you! Here are some fast facts about Trades of Hope and you can dive deeper as you grow your business. Trades of Hope is based in Bunnel, FL Trades of Hope was started in 2010 We were started by 2 mother daughter teams: Gretchen & Elisabeth and Holly & Chelsie We currently have artisan groups in 19 countries! One of the best resources to learn about the products is the catalog. Flipping through the catalog and reading the descriptions of the products is a fantastic way to learn. Browse your website & hope central to learn more about the products & artisan stories. We also have a FREE app with a training module built-in! I’ve linked it below for both Android & Apple phones/tablets. Watch this quick video to learn: An example of an elevator speech when someone asks about Trades of Hope What makes Trades of Hope unique from other companies Tawny’s Tip: Share your favorite products & artisan stories. Customers will hear how much you love them and will add those products to their wish list first. Your To-Do List: Spend some time with your catalog, website, and the TOH App (free)! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.krato.tradesofhopehttps://apps.apple.com/us/app/hope-central/id1172537279 Head to the Getting Started Page: https://hopecentraldev.wpengine.com/getting-started/ Practice your elevator speech describing Trades of Hope to someone you don’t know.

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