Your parties can reduce the risk of birth complications in Uganda!
Trades of Hope just announced the promotions and incentives for the 2nd quarter of 2019! You know I love all of the world change that is going on with Trades of Hope, and our hostess incentives are just some of the “sprinkles” on top!
From April 1st through June 30th, Trades of Hope will provide Mama Kits to expectant mothers in Uganda for every qualifying party.
In Uganda, a woman must bring her own medical supplies to the hospital or birthing center in order to give birth. If she does not have them, she can either be turned away or forced to buy them at an often inflated cost.
Through this giveback, expectant moms will receive a sterile Mama Kit containing the necessary supplies needed to give birth.

Why Mama Kits?
According to the World Health Organization:
- For every maternal death in Uganda, at least six survive with chronic and debilitating ill health. Most maternal deaths are due to causes directly related to pregnancy and childbirth, obstetric complications such as severe bleeding, infection, hypertensive disorders, and obstructed labor.
- Others are due to causes such as malaria, diabetes, hepatitis, and anemia, which are aggravated by pregnancy.
- Data on maternal morbidity in Uganda is limited as 62% of women are delivering outside health facilities, without skilled care.

Incentive Details
This Hostess Incentive is designed to help you increase your party average with an attainable goal that will also give back!

- Original event date must be held and closed with orders placed between 4/1/19 – 6/30/19.
- For every $750+ party level reached, one (1) Mama Kit will be donated to an expectant mother in Uganda.
- Each qualifying hostess will also receive a Together Bracelet to thank her for helping a woman give birth safely.
- The Together Bracelets will be shipped separately from the hostess orders.
- Parties totaling $1500 will provide 2 Mama Kits, etc.
- Limit one Together Bracelet for each qualifying party.

What is a “Mama Kit?”
A Mama Kit is an all-in-one kit that contains everything needed to help provide a clean and safe delivery.
In order to give birth in most hospitals or clinics in Uganda, you must purchase all of the necessary supplies and bring them with you. If you do not have the supplies you will often be turned away or forced to purchase them at often inflated costs.
Many of the women cannot buy the supplies, so they do not seek medical care. This often leads to complications and even death for the mothers and babies.
A mama kit can allow the women to give birth in a hospital or clinic, or if they must give birth at home they have proper sterile supplies.
Research has shown that the gift of a mama kit can greatly reduce the number of women dying during childbirth.

Each life-saving Mama Kit contains:
- plastic sheeting
- surgical blades
- cotton wool (gauze pad)
- 2 bars of soap
- 3 pairs of gloves
- cord ties
- a child health card
- an instruction sheet in both English and Luganda.
All supplies are sealed so that they remain sterile until needed.

Host a Party with me!
Do I have to participate in an in-home or Facebook party to earn this Trades of Hope Hostess incentive?
Traditionally, the answer is yes, however, I am one of the few consultants who help hostesses qualify for rewards without having an in-home or Facebook party. Send me an email or find me in my Facebook group and we can go into detail about how this works and the best ways for you to get to unlocking this hostess incentive along with your regular (generous!) hostess rewards.
I LOVE this hostess incentive….what’s next?
If you’re not wanting to host, you can shop with me and your purchase will help earn those classes with this incentive! You’ll also be helping me reach my Map to Guatemala goals! Read more about that incentive here.
If you love the idea of sharing your love of Trades of Hope and receiving free fair trade jewelry/home decor/accessories in return, I highly suggest taking a peek at my post about the benefits of being a Trades of Hope Compassionate Entrepreneur! Not only are you able to accrue hostess rewards for yourself, you will earn commission on any order that comes in. Soon you’ll need a new jewelry box for your ever growing collection!