Weekend Wandering- Norwich and Binghamton

It was a crazy weekend! We headed up to Norwich on Thursday night so we could get ready for the garage sale we were having at Luke’s parents’ house. We sold about $100 of just our stuff, and considering that we were probably going to just take it to a thrift store anyway, that’s a win! We were able to put that money toward a new futon that will be going into our camper! (With the help of his parents–thanks!) Can’t wait for it to get here this week!

The last load of stuff that we brought with us!

Luke’s mom made a special treat for my birthday!


They had some missionaries to Singapore that their church supports visit recently, and they gave them this Singapore coffee! Of course, Luke and I had to try it. It was a flashback to Japan for sure!

A pretty flower off the porch planter.

We came home Saturday night so we could attend our church in Binghamton and get some work done on the camper. If you’re following us on Instagram, you would have seen that while we were driving through Binghamton we noticed that the July Fest was going on! We spontaneously stopped to have our lunch there.


Did you know that Binghamton is home to the Chicken Spiedie? There is actually a whole Spiediefest coming up in a few weeks. We got to enjoy our lunch while listening to some amazing live Jazz music!

This courthouse is one of the only pretty things about Binghamton, haha.

We went on to go paint shopping for our camper! We found this hack for refinishing countertops in RVs on Pinterest! Curious to see how it works! (and I hope I don’t screw it up, haha)


We were looking at paint at Lowes and Sherwin Williams, but we decided to be cheap and get our paint from Walmart. Every dollar saved helps! And when it comes down to it, we’re not going to own our camper for much more than 5 years probably, so we don’t need our paint to last THAT long. As long as it looks good I’m happy!

I’m starting the painting process today (Monday), and I will be working hard at it all week while Luke is at work! It’s finally my turn to get some work done on the camper, since it’s a job I can do!

Thanks for tuning in to peek at our life! Follow us on Instagram to keep up with us even more!


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